THE G‑MAN AND THE HIT MAN New York­er, Decem­ber 12, 1996 A REPORTER AT LARGE  Gre­go­ry Scarpa, Sr., was a mafioso with a pen­chant for bru­tal­i­ty, extor­tion, and mur­der. So what was he doing on the F.B.I.‘s pay­roll? _______________________ BY FREDRIC DANNEN IN 1991, the Colom­bo crime fam­i­ly in Brook­lyn went to war with itself: a rebel […]


A COMPLICATED LIFE New York­er, March 11, 1996 ANNALS OF LAW  F. Lee Bai­ley has been in trou­ble before, but this time he may be head­ing for jail—partly because of the tes­ti­mo­ny of Robert Shapiro._______________________ BY FREDRIC DANNEN AND IRA SILVERMAN ROBERT Shapiro was smirk­ing at F. Lee Bai­ley. It was the morn­ing of Feb­ru­ary 2nd […]

The Nine Lives of ‘Fat Cat’

The Nine Lives of ‘Fat Cat’ Van­i­ty Fair, April 1991 One of New York’s most ruth­less drug war­lords, Loren­zo “Fat Cat” Nichols even called the shots from behind bars—ordering hits on a child­hood bud­dy and the moth­er of his son. But a mur­der he didn’t com­mit final­ly destroyed his empire. Then the Cat turned canary. FREDRIC DANNEN […]